Pierpaolo de Colombani

In-house consultant

Pierpaolo de Clombani graduated from the University of Trieste, specialised from the University of Pavia in TB and Respiratory Diseases and master certified from the Italian National Institute of Health in primary health care. He worked abroad since 1988: as a clinician in Madagascar and Ethiopia; as a team leader in a refugee project in Iran; as an epidemiologist in Zimbabwe; as a team leader in a TB project in Pakistan; as a medical officer for health and nutrition in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNICEF); as TB medical officer in Bangladesh and Denmark (WHO, 1997-2017). After retirement, he has been consulting for UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF and WHO for TB-related technical assistance to countries in Europe, Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific regions. He has been working with MACH since 2022.

Research interests

  • Operational research;
  • Building research capacity and operationalizing research outputs for the rapid uptake in countries.