Full Professor of Agroecology and Field Crops, University of Milan
Stefano Bocchi is Full Professor of Agronomy and Cropping Systems at the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of Milan. He was Visiting Scientist at the Agronomy Department University of California, Davis (1985-86), IRRI- Philippines (1991), and Wageningen University (1992), Montpellier INRA (1993), Shangai Univ.(2010). Teacher in several graduate and undergraduate courses of agronomy, agro-ecology, agro-food systems, organic farming; member of the scientific board of Ph.D. program; director of the “Geomatic Lab for Agriculture and Environment”; first coordinator of GAIA Research Centre at the University of Milan; team leader or PI in several projects on farming system analysis and management, both at national and international level. He has been involved in several projects for international cooperation in Albania, Brasil, China, Ecuador, Egypt, Kenya, Lebanon, Peru, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Tanzania. Delegate of the Dean for sustainability. Author of more than 170 scientific papers and Board Member of various scientific Societies. He was the scientific curator of the Biodiversity Park in EXPO 2015.