Who we are

The Centre for MultidisciplinAry ResearCh in Health Science (MACH) is a Coordinating Research Centre (CRC) established in 2019 at the University of Milan. MACH aims at becoming a comprehensive and impactful contributor to the global health discussion internationally.

Our Vision

Addressing health inequities and improving access to “health for all” through didactic and research activities conducted in partnership with experts from other national and international centres and institutes sharing our principles and aims.

Our Mission

To contribute, in full alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030, to the development and implementation across disciplines of sound policies and practices that ensure universal access to care and prevention for the most vulnerable people.
To develop and deepen knowledge, skills and competences on health care, restoration and health of both ecosystems and agroecosystems to pursue the principle “Healthy Planet, Healthy people”.
To engage and train, through a multi-disciplinary approach, young generations of students who will become future leaders and decision makers.

Our goals

To focus on evidence generation that influences policy making by health authorities and institutions.
To contribute to identification of innovative ways of handling complex public health problems, based on different strategic lines and specific approaches such as development of new models of infectious disease containment, amelioration of microbiological diagnostics, improvement of definition of host immune reactions and new treatments.
To offer multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral academic programs to promote global health among students from different backgrounds.