The Centre

The Centre for MultidisciplinAry ResearCh in Health Science (MACH) is a Coordinating Research Centre (CRC) established in 2019 at the University of Milan. MACH aims at becoming a comprehensive and impactful contributor to the global health discussion internationally.

Master in Global Health (MGH)

1 year online international postgraduate programme in collaboration with Italian and international global health institutions.


Our research groups develop and implement projects in the fields of global health and infectious diseases.

Donne in Salute Globale

MACH hosts and collaborates with Donne in Salute Globale, to promote equity in global health.

News and events


MACH team members attend

On the 19th of December, four MACH team members participated in the International Conference on Development Cooperation for Global Sustainability "Fostering Mutual Learning beyond Help".

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Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Health Science – MACH

Via Pace, 9 
20122 – Milano